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The most popular Turkish boy names

In this article you will find a extensive list of Turkish male baby names. It ranges from traditional Turkish boy names to more modern Turkish boy names up to common Turkish boy names and the most popular first names for boys in Turkey over the last 100 years. 

Turkish boy names - nice to meat you

First broadcast in 2006, Bora Dağtekin's show "Türkisch für Anfänger" (Turkish for Beginners) was a hit on German television from the very first second it aired. It focuses on the German-Turkish couple Schneider-Öztürk and the intercultural experiences in their newly formed patchwork family, which go far beyond the choice between schnitzel or sucuk.

Metin, a policeman of Turkish origin, and his son Cem, a stereotypical macho boy going through puberty, take you into Turkish culture - one full of history, tradition, religion and hospitality - in a comedic way and with the help of delicious food. And as with many other nationalities, these elements are reflected in one way or another in the naming and choice of Turkish boys, which we will explore in this article. Because as they say in Turkey: "A good name is half the battle."

Traditional Turkish boys' names

It will probably come as no surprise to anyone who is interested in Turkey and is therefore reading this article, but Turkey's history is rich and complex and spans thousands of years. From the prehistoric age to the Byzantine era to the fall of the Ottoman Empire and today's Turkey, the country has seen many faces over the centuries. Some of these faces still have more traditional namessome of which are listed below along with their meanings.

Name Bedeutung
AlpHeld, mutig
BurakLicht, Glanz
CanLeben, Seele
MertTapfer, mutig
ÖmerLang leben
TunaFluss (der Name des Donau)

Just like the name Ömer, Turkey has indeed had a long life with many changes. So don't worry, Cem, this means that your puberty will also come to an end at some point, because nothing is forever.

Modern Turkish boy names

Of course, traditions play a big role in Turkish culture, but that doesn't mean there's no room for new things. After all, you can't keep tea in the fridge - which means fresh ideas shouldn't be hidden away. In recent years many Turkish parents have chosen modern names for their boysand you can find some cool (pun intended) examples below.

Name Bedeutung
EmirhanPrinz, Herrscher
KaanKönig, Herrscher
MertcanTapferer Mensch
MiraçAufstieg, Himmelfahrt
NefesAtem, Lebenshauch
SarpSteil, schroff

The modern Turkish boy names mentioned above are indeed like a breath, a breeze, a wind - if you a Turkish boy's name according to its meaning by its meaning. 

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Common Turkish boy names

With an area of around 783,356 square kilometers, it almost seems as if there is no such thing as a "common" name in Turkey. But of course, there are names that are more common than others, even in a country of this size. In the following list you will find some of these common Turkish boy names and their respective meanings.

Name Bedeutung
AliErhaben, hoch
BerkStark, solide
ErenHeilig, fromm
MertTapfer, mutig
OğuzAlter türkischer Stammname
SinanArchitekt, Baumeister
YusufGott erhöht

If it wasn't on the street or in the corner bakery, you've probably heard one of these common Turkish boy names in popular television programs... 

Most popular Turkish baby boy names of the last 100 years

Certainly 100 years is a long time for any country, but the country has undergone many changes since the founding of today's Republic of Turkey in the last century. Both secularism and modernization have shaped the most popular Turkish boy names of the last 100 years listed below in a variety of ways.

Name Bedeutung
AliErhaben, hoch
ArdaWagemutig, tapfer
BurakLicht, Glanz
CanLeben, Seele
ErenHeilig, fromm
HasanGut, schön
HüseyinSchön, gut
KaanKönig, Herrscher
MustafaDer Auserwählte
ÖmerLang leben
SüleymanFrieden, Wohlstand
YusufGott erhöht

Good, good, good, good. Either way, the most popular Turkish boy names of the last 100 years may have experienced many ups and downs, but the meanings behind the names have always remained stable.

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Our top 100 Turkish boy names

If you haven't liked any of our Turkish boy names so far, we've got you covered 100 more Turkish male baby names and boy names and their meanings for you.

Name Bedeutung
Abayder Talentierte
AbdullahDiener Gottes
Acarkander Starke
Adalardie Insel
Akayheller Mond
Altayein Gebirgszug in Asien
Ardarein, tugendhaft
Aydınhell, erleuchtet
Bahadirder Mutige
Baranstarker Regen
Basakfest, solide
Bedirder Vollmond
Berkstark, solide
Berkaymächtig wie der Mond
Borader Schnee
Canerlebendiger Mann
Cavitder Ewige
CemGemeinschaft, Feier
Cemalder Schöne
Cengizmächtig, stark
Cenkder Kämpfer
Cesurder Tapfere
Davutder Geliebte
Dervişder Tolerante
Efegroßer Bruder, tapferer Held
Eldargeboren, um mit Feuer zu kämpfen
Elvanbunt, mehrfarbig
Eminsicher, vertrauensvoll
EmreFreund, Geliebter
Erenheiliger, tapferer Mensch
Eyüpglücklich, fröhlich
Ferhatder Kämpfer
Fikretder Ideenreiche
GökayPerson mit blauen Augen
GökhanHerr des Himmels
Ilkerder erste Mann
İkbalGlück, Erfolg
KaanHerrscher, König
Korayroter Mond
Maciteine berühmte, ehrenhafte Person
Mahirgeschickt, erfahren
Masumder Unschuldige
MuratWunsch, Ziel
Necatidie Freiheit betreffend
Necipder Ehrliche
Olkayder Sieger
Orkundas Licht des Wissens
Özgürder Freie
Polatstarke, standhafte Person
Sehmihder Freigiebige
SerkanKopf des Blutes
SinanSpeerträger, Architekt
Tamerzähmen, beherrschen
Taylanvon kräftigem Wuchs
TeomanAnführer des Volkes
TunaFluss (Donau)
TufanSturm, Überschwemmung
TuranLand von Turan
Urasunbestimmte Bedeutung
Veyselguter Mensch
Yalçınsteil, schroff
Yasinein Name aus dem Koran
Yavuzhart, unerschütterlich
Yücelerhaben, hochmütig
ZiyaLicht, Glanz

Conclusion on Turkish boy names

After browsing through all these lists, you've surely moved on from "Turkish for beginners" to "Turkish boy names for beginners". experts " - without even watching a TV show!

From Metin, Cem and all the other traditional or modern Turkish boy namesthe country has to offer, we are at Lottili to what extent history, tradition and religion will play a major or minor role in the choice of names in the coming years.

Source reference:

You can find references to the Turkish name statistics here:

Frequently asked questions about Turkish boys' and men's names

Here are some more answers to questions you might be interested in on this topic

Are Turkish names often chosen for their meanings?

Yes, the meaning of a name plays an important role when choosing a name. Parents often make sure that the name has a positive and strong meaning that conveys good qualities such as bravery, wisdom or luck to the child.

Are there any special rules for choosing a Turkish boy's name?

There are no strict rules, but most Turkish names consist of two syllables and are easy to pronounce. Religious and cultural traditions can also influence the choice of name. In Muslim families, names associated with Islam are often chosen, while in other families, natural or historical names are preferred.

Which Turkish boy names have been popularized by Turkish pop culture or celebrities?

Pop culture and celebrities have contributed to some names becoming particularly popular in Turkey. Examples:

  • TarkanBy the famous Turkish singer Tarkan.
  • KıvançAfter the actor Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ.
  • Çağatay: A name that gained popularity through acting.

Are there any special trends in Turkish boys' names?

Yes, the popularity of names can change over the years. In Turkey, names like Alparslan, Yusuf, and Miraç have become very popular in recent years. In Germany, on the other hand, names such as Mohammed, Ali, and Emir are frequently used.

Where do the meanings of Turkish boys' names come from?

The meanings of Turkish boys' names often come from history, mythology or religion. Many names have Arabic roots and are rooted in the Koran or Islamic tradition. Other names may be derived from Turkish folklore or nature.

How do you choose a Turkish boy's name?

When choosing a name, parents may consider several factors, including the meaning of the name, family traditions, sound and popularity. It is also common to choose names that express positive qualities or wishes for the child.

Are there Turkish boy names that refer to famous people?

There are several Turkish boy names that refer to or are inspired by famous people. Here are some examples:

Names of famous personalities:

Ahmet - The name is often associated with Ahmet Yesevi, an important Turkish poet and Sufi.

Mehmet - A common form of Mohammed, named after the prophet of Islam. Mehmet II was the sultan who conquered Constantinople.

Ali - Refers to Ali ibn Abi Talib, the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Mohammed and a central figure in Islam.

Mustafa - Often associated with Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of modern Turkey.

Osman - After Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.

Halil - Refers to Halil İbrahim, an important figure in the Islamic tradition.

Cengiz - Derived from Genghis Khan, the famous Mongolian ruler and conqueror.

Hüseyin - After Hüseyin ibn Ali, the grandson of the Prophet Mohammed and an important figure in Shiite Islam.

İbrahim - Turkish form of Abraham, a central figure in the Abrahamic religions.

Musa - Turkish form of Moses, an important prophetic figure in Judaism and Islam.

Other relevant names:

Erdogan - After Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the current president of Turkey.

Kadir - In connection with Kadir Mısıroğlu, a well-known Turkish historian and writer.

Sinan - After Mimar Sinan, the famous Ottoman architect.

These names are not only common in Turkey, but also carry a strong cultural and historical significance, often linked to the achievements or characteristics of the respective personalities.

Are there unisex Turkish names?

Yes, there are some Turkish names that can be used for both boys and girls. Examples:

  • Deniz: "Sea", a very popular unisex name.
  • Derya: "sea" or "ocean", also unisex.
  • Aytaç: "crown of the moon", a name that is gender-neutral.

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