The most popular Turkish girls' names
In this article you will find a extensive list of Turkish female baby names. It ranges from traditional Turkish girls' names to more modern Turkish girl names up to common Turkish girl names and the most popular first names for girls in Turkey in the last 100 years.
Turkish girls' names - afiyet olsun
Imagine: The smell of freshly cooked lentils fills the kitchen while the mercimek Çorbası (lentil soup) steams on the table. The börek is baking in the oven until golden brown and crispy, and a pot of dolma - vine leaves stuffed with devotion - is waiting to be served. These homemade dishes, prepared with so much care and love, are not only delicious, but also a symbol of the warmth and tradition that is deeply rooted in Turkish culture. After all, the way to the heart is through the stomach - even or especially in Turkey.
Just like these dishes, which are passed down from generation to generation, Turkish girls' names carry a similar meaning. They are an extra dose of history, tradition and emotion and, like the best family recipes, remain timeless and tasty.
Traditional Turkish girls' names
Just like dishes that need time to develop their full aroma and flavor, traditional Turkish girls' names develop their deep meaning and beauty over generations. They are rich in tradition and reflect the values that are upheld in Turkish culture (as well as in the kitchen). Here is a selection of traditional girls' names and their meanings.
Name | Bedeutung |
Aslı | Wahrheit oder die Ursprüngliche |
Aylin | Die, die wie der Mond leuchtet |
Banu | Prinzessin |
Cemre | Warme Brise, die den Winter beendet |
Derya | Meer oder große Weite |
Elif | Schlank und hochgewachsen |
Esra | Die Schnellste |
Feride | Einzigartig oder die Unvergleichliche |
Gül | Rose |
Leyla | Nacht oder dunkel |
Melek | Engel |
Nazan | Die Stolze |
Özlem | Sehnsucht oder Verlangen |
Selin | Fließendes Wasser oder stark |
Sevda | Liebe oder Leidenschaft |
Sibel | Regentropfen oder sanfter Wind |
Yasemin | Jasminblüte |
Zeynep | Juwel oder kostbare Gabe |
The above traditional Turkish girls' names are not only used by grandmothersbut are also a good choice for parents who want to give their newborn a special touch with a more classic name - like a perfectly matched spice that adds the finishing touch to a time-honored recipe.
Modern Turkish girls' names
Just as yoghurt adds a fresh twist to many traditional Turkish dishes, so too do modern Turkish girls' names bring a new lightness to the agony of choosing a name. These names are contemporary without losing the deep cultural meaning that has characterized Turkey for generations. Check out the list below for some of these modern Turkish girls' names and their meanings.
Name | Bedeutung |
Alara | Märchenhafte Wasserfee |
Aylin | Im Glanz des Mondes |
Defne | Lorbeerbaum |
Eylül | September |
Işıl | Funkelnd, leuchtend |
Mavi | Blau |
Mira | Prinzessin, bewundernswert |
Nehir | Fluss |
Serra | Leicht, unbeschwert |
Yelda | Langer Winterabend |
Imagine strolling through a weekly market that has been around for generations to buy fresh fruit and vegetables - that's exactly how these modern Turkish girls' names work. They capture the spirit of the times while keeping their roots firmly in the ground.
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Common Turkish Girl Names
Just like bulgur, a versatile staple food in Turkish cuisine, there are girls' names that are often heard at Turkish tables. They are not only timeless, but also adaptable and satisfy the longings that Turkish parents feel when choosing a name. Below you'll find some of these common Turkish girls' names and their meanings.
Name | Bedeutung |
Beyza | Weiß, rein |
Buse | Kuss |
Derya | Meer, Ozean |
Elif | Schlank wie der erste Buchstabe des arabischen Alphabets |
Esra | Schnell, flink |
İrem | Paradiesgarten |
Melike | Königin |
Nur | Licht, strahlend |
Selin | Klar, rein |
Sude | Reiner Regen |
The above list of common Turkish girls' names is a perfect example of the phrase "Chef's Kiss" - or Buse, in this case.
Most popular Turkish girl names of the last 100 years
Like recipes passed down from grandmothers through the generations, certain Turkish girls' names have stood the test of time. They are firmly rooted in tradition and carry a deep cultural meaning that remains constant over the years. These most popular Turkish girls' names of the last 100 yearswhich have been "prepared" as lovingly as the dishes of Turkish grandmothers, have stood the test of time and have retained their special flavor to this day.
Name | Bedeutung |
Aysel | Vollmond |
Canan | Geliebte |
Emine | Vertrauenswürdig |
Fatma | Friedensstifterin |
Gül | Rose |
Havva | Lebendig |
Rabia | Frühlingsbeginn |
Sibel | Jugend, Frische |
Yasemin | Jasminblüte |
Zeynep | Wertvoll wie ein Edelstein |
These most popular Turkish girls' names are like a delicious platter of mezzethat unites young and old and brings a variety of stories and traditions to the table.

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Our top 100 Turkish girls' names
If you haven't liked any of our Turkish girl names so far, we have 100 more Turkish male baby names and their meanings for you.
Name | Bedeutung |
Ada | Insel |
Açelya | Azalee |
Afra | Weiß, rein |
Aleyna | Auf uns sei Segen |
Alara | Märchenhafte Wasserfee |
Alev | Flamme |
Arzu | Wunsch |
Aslı | Wahrheit oder die Ursprüngliche |
Asuman | Himmel |
Ayça | Sichelförmiger Mond |
Aylin | Die, die wie der Mond leuchtet |
Ayşegül | Lebendige Rose |
Aysel | Vollmond |
Başak | Kornähre |
Banu | Prinzessin |
Berfin | Schnee |
Beyza | Weiß, rein |
Buket | Blumenstrauß |
Buse | Kuss |
Canan | Geliebte |
Cemre | Warme Brise, die den Winter beendet |
Ceren | Gazelle |
Çiğdem | Krokusblume |
Defne | Lorbeerbaum |
Derya | Meer oder große Weite |
Dilara | Herzerfreuend |
Dilşad | Herzerfreut |
Ebru | Wolkenmuster |
Ece | Königin |
Elif | Schlank und hochgewachsen |
Emine | Vertrauenswürdig |
Esen | Brise |
Eylül | September |
Esra | Die Schnellste |
Fatma | Friedensstifterin |
Feride | Einzigartig oder die Unvergleichliche |
Fidan | Jungpflanze |
Figen | Feigenbaum |
Filiz | Trieb, Sprössling |
Füsun | Zauber, Charme |
Gamze | Grübchen |
Gizem | Geheimnis |
Gönül | Herz, Seele |
Gül | Rose |
Gülsüm | Rosenlippe |
Havva | Lebendig |
Hümeyra | Rötlich |
İrem | Paradiesgarten |
Jale | Morgentau |
Kumru | Taube |
Lale | Tulpe |
Lina | Sanft, zart |
Manolya | Magnolienblume |
Mavi | Blau |
Melike | Königin |
Melek | Engel |
Menekşe | Veilchen |
Mira | Prinzessin, bewundernswert |
Müge | Maiglöckchen |
Nazan | Die Stolze |
Necla | Vornehm |
Nehir | Fluss |
Nihan | Geheimnisvoll |
Nur | Licht, strahlend |
Özlem | Sehnsucht oder Verlangen |
Pelin | Wermutkraut |
Perihan | Königin der Feen |
Rabia | Frühlingsbeginn |
Rana | Blickfang |
Reyhan | Basilikum |
Rüya | Traum |
Seher | Morgendämmerung |
Selin | Fließendes Wasser oder stark |
Serra | Leicht, unbeschwert |
Sevda | Liebe oder Leidenschaft |
Sibel | Regentropfen oder sanfter Wind |
Şirin | Hübsch, niedlich |
Şule | Flamme |
Sude | Reiner Regen |
Tuba | Baum des Paradieses |
Tuğçe | Krone |
Umay | Göttin des Glücks |
Ümran | Wohlstand |
Vildan | Geburt |
Yeşim | Jade |
Yasemin | Jasminblüte |
Yaren | Freundin |
Yelda | Langer Winterabend |
Zehra | Leuchtend |
Zerrin | Golden |
Zeynep | Juwel oder kostbare Gabe |
Zümra | Edelstein |
Conclusion on Turkish girl names
When it comes to Turkish girl names it can be said that the recipe for success is simple. Add a pinch of history, tradition and emotion and you have a beautiful name.
But at the end of the day, Turkish girls' names are like any secret family recipe. No matter how well you keep them, they will always change a little over time. That's why we at Lottili curious to see which Turkish girls' names will be on everyone's lips in the next few years.
Source reference:
Sources for the Turkish name statistics can be found here: